Thursday, August 21, 2008

A few of my favorite things.....Color

I am so grateful to not only see but to see and appreciate all the colors around me.
Nothing is ever just yellow, red or blue to me....its soft butter yellow or warm burnt rust or stormy sea turquoise. I just love Color!
The depth of color, the thoughts of memories it provokes the comfort or intensity that it gives, an indescribable joy and energy.

Red as passion comfort warmth tomato's Autumn happy energising bright always giving attentionseeking surprising bursts hot rich romance power raspberries glamor fire

Yellow rays of sunshine warmth cosy homey provincial sunflowers happy summer laughter joy light glow gold Sand beach daffodils citrus scent smiley faces Dijon mustard

Blue like the ocean the sky on a sunny day refreshing my favorite pair of jeans glass bottles French linens

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